A nonprofit organization, arising from the police brutality death of Burrell Ramsey, focusing on change to provide better opportunities to Boston communities.
On a day to day basis, we all have the same amount of time
It is what you do with that time that matters most
You reap what you sow
I have made the choice today and everyday coming
To sow virtuous seeds and be fruitful
I will work hard to ensure my dreams become my reality
I will be the role model we all want embodied by our future
For we are all responsible for the next generations qualities and standards
So I will lead by example
I will be a vital part of the village
And contribute to the advancement of our communities
Love and Knowledge, both powerful and contagious
I will continuously seek and sow them both
So that my neighbors may sow virtuous seeds and be fruitful
I will strive to obtain better opportunities
And to everyone around me and after me
I will provide better opportunities
Live4BO! Live 4 Better Opportunities!
“Live4BO” was the first catchphrase developed from the incident as a way to encourage the community to come together and fight against such injustice. Currently the slogan for Better Opportunities Inc, Live4BO has a greater meaning derived from the kind of person Burrell was and the concept of “if you change yourself, you change the world”.
More than just a line in one of Bo's songs, "No Shine In The Shade" encourages individuality and creativity. In order to excel, you cannot hide behind the shadow of doubt, simply be yourself and take chances.